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Illuminated Traffic Signage: An Indispensable Component of Vision Zero

Jul 25, 2024

Illuminated Traffic Signage: An Indispensable Component of Vision Zero

Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) tells a grim tale of roadway safety in 2023; in that year, 40,990 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes. While this is a 3.6 percent decrease compared to the previous year, it’s still 40,990 too many deaths on U.S. roadways. That’s where Vision Zero — a road safety concept that became an official policy that began in Sweden in 1997 — comes to help. The strategy aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility. It has proved successful across Europe and is gaining momentum in major American cities.

Completely eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries is quite an ambitious goal. However, implementing illuminated safety and warning signage on roadways is crucial in achieving it. Illuminated signage, by nature, has greater visibility than traditional, non-illuminated signs. When signs are more visible, they garner more attention; their message is better received, and road safety is enhanced. These are all critical elements of preventing accidents and protecting vulnerable road users.

Sign Visibility is Critical for Roadway Safety

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Drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians’ ability to clearly see and understand traffic signs and signals is crucial for safe navigation and Vision Zero. While effective in daylight and well-lit conditions, traditional traffic signs can become less visible in poor lighting, adverse weather conditions, or during nighttime. This diminished visibility increases the risk of accidents, as road users may miss important information or fail to recognize hazards.

Fortunately, illuminated traffic signage addresses the shortcomings of traditional and retroreflective signage. LED signs — whether direct-view or backlit — stay highly visible regardless of external lighting conditions. This constant visibility is particularly beneficial in areas prone to fog, heavy rain, or snow, where traditional signage might be obscured or hard to see. In urban areas with significant nighttime traffic, illuminated signs ensure that critical information is conveyed to drivers and pedestrians, reducing the likelihood of accidents due to missed or misunderstood signals.

Illuminated Signage’s Impact on Road Users

Protecting vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, is a key component of Vision Zero. Illuminated traffic signage plays a crucial role in this by enhancing the visibility of especially vulnerable areas, such as pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, and school zones.

For instance, crosswalk signs that are illuminated when a pedestrian is present provide an additional layer of safety, ensuring that drivers are aware of potential crossings even in low visibility conditions.

For cyclists, illuminated bike lane markers and signage help delineate safe paths and alert motorists to their presence. In school zones, flashing illuminated signs can warn drivers to slow down during school hours, protecting children from potential traffic hazards. These measures are particularly important in urban areas with high pedestrian and cyclist traffic and elevated risk of accidents.

Road users are not just physically impacted by illuminated signage, which enhances visibility; they also experience behavioral and psychological responses to it. Illuminated signs can serve as a constant reminder of traffic laws and regulations, reinforcing safe driving behaviors. For instance, illuminated speed limit signs can deter speeding by providing a visible and continuous reminder of the legal speed. Or, in work zones, illuminated signs can alert drivers to reduced speed limits or lane closures, encouraging cautious driving.

Illuminated Signs Can Be Smarter Than You Think

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The advantages of illuminated signs have already been stated. However, LED signs provide numerous advantages over other illuminated signs using traditional incandescent bulbs, including lower energy consumption, a longer lifespan (50,000 to 100,000 hours of illuminated time), and the ability to produce bright, clear light that is easily visible from a distance.

Modern illuminated signs also incorporate adaptive lighting systems that can adjust brightness based on ambient light conditions. For example, a sign might increase its brightness during a storm or at night and dim during bright daylight to avoid glare. This adaptability enhances visibility and conserves energy, making illuminated signage a sustainable option for municipalities.

The most advanced systems can even integrate sensors and connectivity features that allow signs to communicate with vehicles and traffic management systems. These network-connected, illuminated signs can provide real-time information about road conditions, speed limits, and potential hazards. Variable Message Signs (VMS) can also alert drivers to upcoming traffic changes or emergencies, facilitating better decision-making and reducing the likelihood of accidents, helping the Vision Zero cause.

There’s Some Downside to Implementing Illuminated Traffic Signs

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Despite the clear benefits, implanting illuminated traffic signage is not without challenges. Cost can be a factor, as the initial investment for LED signs and the infrastructure needed for power supply can be substantial. However, the long-term benefits, including reduced accident rates—the driving force behind Vision Zero — and lower maintenance costs than traditional signs, often outweigh these initial expenses.

Light pollution is another aspect of illuminated signage that must be considered, especially in urban areas. Overly bright or poorly designed signage can contribute to light pollution, affecting the quality of life for residents and disrupting local ecosystems. It’s crucial to balance the need for visibility with environmental considerations, using technologies that minimize light spillage and designs that are both effective and aesthetically pleasing.

Illuminated traffic signage is an indispensable component of the Vision Zero initiative, significantly enhancing road safety by improving the visibility and clarity of critical traffic information. As cities worldwide continue to strive toward the ambitious goals of Vision Zero, illuminated traffic signage will undoubtedly remain central to achieving safer roadways for everyone. Signal-Tech is an industry leader in LED traffic signs and is ready to help you achieve the goals of Vision Zero. Click here to learn more about our LED signs for traffic applications, and click here to contact our illuminated traffic signage experts!